Probably not just parent’s being biased about how smart their kids are.

We also asked whether the child had ever been selected for school programs for the gifted and talented.

Now, we think that the percent in the general population should be between 10 and 15%. No hard data on this, but many of these programs are targeted at the upper 10% of students…though there is some variation across districts and schools.

This is pretty striking though. 35% of children from Korea with 0 or 1 preadoption risk factors have been classified by their schools as gifted or talented. Still have 20% for those with 2,3 risk factors.

It would be nice to have this as a hard and fast measure from school records. Still it’s pretty impressive.


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Presentation published by Dana E. Johnson, MD, Ph.D, October 2002, and reproduced on this website with his permission.